Ashley Chambers (AC), aka Bodyconference (BC), is a writer, artist, theologian, and PhD student in Performance Studies currently living in the middle-of-nowhere California. She holds a Master of Sacred Theology and a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Alabama. She teaches performance and anthropology at the University of California (Davis) and multimedia composition and creative writing at Rutgers University.

Her first book, The Exquisite Buoyancies, a performative elegy written to a departed spirit, was published by New Michigan Press at the University of Arizona in 2021. Her second book, Dead Grandma, which explores a psychic regression session conducted by Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle in 1994, is nearly complete.

Her first full-length film, M0, a theoerotic exploration of resurrection as practice, not event, in homage to liberation theologian Ivone Gebara, is currently in post-production and will be released in 2025.

AC:BC can be reached on Instagram @bodyconference or by email at